Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Bewitching Hours

During the week, when Michael's out of state, the hours from 4:00pm to 11:00pm are the most crucial in my day. I say that because it is what happens in these few hours that can make or break me. The dinner to bedtime routine requires a lot of organization and attention to several different things at once. On top of the normal stuff, we have T-Ball practice Tuesdays and Thursdays and gymnastics on Wednesdays. Due to these activities, every night is not equal, but I try my best to keep everyone on a schedule.

Tonight broke me.

About 4:30pm, I realized I needed to pump in order to get ready to leave the house at 5:15pm for gymnastics. Jaxson was napping, Madison and Noah were jumping on the trampoline, Carter was asleep in his bouncy seat and Hudson was in his, just chillin. As soon as I start doing my thing, it's like a switch in Hudson goes off and he starts fussing. Noah comes to my rescue and entertains him until I'm done. I send Madison to her room to get dressed, and start to get bottles ready. Jaxson is still asleep, so I have to go wake him up from his nap. Cue the desperation... I get it. He feels the same way about being woken up from a sweet slumber as I do at 3am. However, ain't nobody got time for his hissy fit. I finish getting the twins bottles ready, get Madison's water bottle, some snacks for the big boys, get the twins in their car seats and put in the car, get Noah and Madi in the car, and come back in to get a screaming Jaxson, still laying in his bed.

As he's crawling over the console in the car to get to his seat, he slips and lands face first in the floor board. That brought his fit up an octave. We get to gymnastics and Madi runs in ahead of us. Jax is no longer crying, but cranks it back up when I tell him to get out of the car. Noah's standing by me, the twins are both in their car seats on the pavement next to me, and it starts to rain. I finally get Jax out of the car and he's mad because I can't hold him. I have a car seat in each hand and finally get everyone inside.

Jax sits on my lap. What's that smell? Please, no. Oh yes. It is. I look in the diaper bag for a diaper for Jax, but only find diapers for the twins. I mean, what to do. I can't leave the twins and Noah sitting there by themselves to take Jax to the bathroom anyway, so we suffer through it... it's only an hour class.

Gymnastics are over and we get home. I get Jax changed, finally. I decide to make breakfast for dinner because it's quick, and my kids love it. I put the twins in their jumpers and get to work on the eggs. I hear Hudson cough and Madi scream, "Hudson's sick! He throwed up!" Madison usually is more animated than necessary, so I assume it's his normal spit up. I go check. Projectile vomit all over Madison, Hudson, and all over the jumper. His puke hits the jumper on the music box, so those sweet little lullabies that is plays start sounding like a CD skipping. I'm cleaning him up when I smell those eggs I walked away from.

Ok, so we are all at the table now, eating our dinner (new eggs). I get up to get Noah some more orange juice. Jax spills his drink all over the place. Carter and Hudson are fed up with the jumpers and screaming. I start to work on bottles and go get bath water ready.

Those jumpers are laxatives. I don't know what it is, but EVERYDAY, the twins blow out their diapers in those things... tonight was no exception. So, good thing it's bath time.

Twins are clean, and having their bottles. I make an executive decision that the older kids are clean enough, and don't get a bath. Madison starts screaming. She's gotten a splinter deep in her heel. I go to work on that... 15 minutes later, we get it out. Jax gets put to bed and I put Carter to bed. Hudson is still eating. I take Madison and Noah to bed. We are saying prayers when I hear Hudson crying. I go check, but it's actually Carter. So I bring him back in the room where Madison and Noah are and they freak out... "Why is the baby here?" Just relax. Say your prayers before I FLIP OUT.

Carter starts to nurse so I can get him back to bed, only he feels the need to talk about it. Madison and Noah are giggling hysterically, and I start wondering what size straight jacket I need.

Finally get everyone to bed and I call Michael back who had called me in the chaos. He says, "How was your night?"

Here is the deal people. The majority of the time, I can handle this crew pretty good. But there are moments of the day, and in some cases a whole day, where one versus five doesn't work out for me. I love these little people and I know they'll only be this little for a little while. I know how very blessed I am to have this big, beautiful family, but some days, you gotta just call a spade a spade. They won today.

I'm not writing for you pity, I'm writing for your prayers! Ha! No seriously.

If you have kids, I'm praying for you tonight too. It doesn't matter how many you have, you probably need a break every now and again too.

I have neglected my blog lately because, well, have you been reading this? But, I have to admit, it feels good to put it out there and let you other worn out parents know that you are not alone! We are doing a wonderful thing raising these kids, but it's ok to admit to being tired or frustrated from time to time. That doesn't make you a bad parent, it makes you an honest one.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Match Made in Dairy Heaven

This morning, Madison and Noah left with Michael for the World Dairy Expo! For those that don't know, the Expo has a very special place in our hearts. 

In 2001, I was on the dairy judging team for Colorado State University, and Michael was on the team from Cornell University. The national dairy judging contest is held there at the Expo in Madison, Wisconsin each year. I first saw Michael on a farm where the teams were invited to practice. I later discovered that Cornell's team was staying in the same hotel as our team. Over the course of our week there, we got to know each other a little bit and we even tied in the reason's division of the contest. Looking back, I think it's terribly ironic that of all the individuals at the contest, he and I tied in reasons. Now, he whipped me overall, but hey, I was the real winner for meeting him. (Insert your best AWW here!) We parted ways at the end of the week, and I really thought we'd never see each other again.

Cornell's Team - The won the whole contest that year!

Colorado State's Team

Once I returned to Colorado, I just couldn't get him off of my mind. We reconnected through email, and the rest is history. So, of course the Expo brings back wonderful memories for us. While we were still dating and dreaming of the family we would have one day, we both agreed that our first girl must be named Madison, in honor of the city where we met. We've gone back every year since, in some way. First, he and I went back every year. When we had our Madison, she came with us. When we had Noah, it started to get a bit more complicated, and expensive, so the trip became a chance for Michael to take the kids as a special trip. Two years ago, Michael decided to take just Madison. Last year, he took Noah. He's already mentioned that next year he wants to take Jaxson for the first time. I'm not even bitter that I don't get to go with them. I love that it has become a special trip for Michael and the kids.

Madison made the paper her first trip to the Expo! She was 3 1/2 months old!

Two years ago, the paper called us to be part of a series highlighting couples with love stories surrounding the Expo.
We thought we were the only ones! Ha!

Madison woke me up this morning by getting about an inch from my face and saying, "I'm so excited!" She and Noah were already up and dressed when I got out of bed, and as I said good-bye to them all, I'm telling you, I think Michael was the most excited.

I love that he loves them so much.  That he wants to make these special memories with them, and that he knows how important it is. Michael's work schedule demands him to be away from home for the majority of the week, every week. Carving out special dates, lunches, and trips with the kids like this is so important for them, and for him. I hope they are having an amazing time and I can't wait to hear all about it when they come home!

I had no idea when we met how incredible Michael really was, or what an amazing husband and father he would be. I realize how blessed I am that God orchestrated our romance.