Wednesday, November 13, 2013

All About Noah

I'll never forget the first time I looked into the big beautiful eyes of my first born son. It's hard for me to believe that moment was five years ago.

A new family of four. Disclaimer: I am not one of those women who look amazing during or after childbirth, so pardon.

Madison's first meeting with Noah.

He was born November 13, 2008 at 12:36 AM weighing 8 pounds, 11 ounces. We didn't know he was a boy until he arrived.

Here were some guesses to his gender/time of birth/weight/length.

Michael and I named him after the biblical Noah. We hope that our Noah will be a humble, honest, noble, loyal, faithful man of God, just like his namesake.

His first try at food was an epic failure.

That's nasty Momma.
He's got the biggest, deep brown eyes that are accompanied by some impressively expressive eyebrows.

He didn't really take a pacifier, but to this day, he has to play with my hair while he drinks his milk or goes to sleep. I know he's five, but one day this little habit will stop, and it will make me sad.

He started walking at 10 months, and when his first birthday arrived, his nose and the cement connected.

Noah on his first birthday.

Delicious... the cake was good too!

While his little brother Jaxson is known for his curly hair, Noah did it first! He had very curly, blonde hair and got his first haircut in October of 2009, two weeks before his second birthday. I haven't seen a Noah curl since. :(

Look at those blonde curls!

Just like little brother Jax, Noah's curls got tighter when he was hot!

By the time he was two, he looked like a little man and was starting to get the traditional "terrible twos" attitude!

Noah on his second birthday.
Noah is very compassionate and is quick to comfort his little brothers and Madison. It's so sweet to witness the softer moments.

When he was a baby and still nursing, I started calling him "My little Kiki Monkey". No idea where the nickname came from. It got shortened to "Kiki" for the longest time and then we would just sporadically call him "Keek". It's been a while since I've called him that... which again, makes me realize how fast he's growing!

Noah on his third birthday.
This was shortly after I taught him to wink.
Madison and Noah are only 17 months apart and have a pretty tight bond. It is precious how they tell each other I love you before bed. They can fight as hard as they love, but I hope they always are this close.

Yeah that's a cooler. We too poor to get a swimming pool. Ha!
He loves all things Super Mario Brothers or Angry Birds!

Noah on his fourth birthday.

For the longest time, and still occasionally, when life didn't go Noah's way, he'd slump his shoulders, hang his head, and walk really slowly away. He also has an ability when he's frustrated, embarrassed, or annoyed to give a look...

Still incredibly handsome even when he's being naughty.

He loves to fish, and he loves to play baseball. I hope he continues to do both.

So serious.

So determined.

He started school this year and his favorite thing is homework. No kidding. When I tell Madison to do her homework and if he doesn't have any, he lets out an "AWWWW!" When he has homework, he says, "YESSSS!" I hope his enthusiasm for learning continues and he turns out as smart as his Daddy one day.

First day of school this past August!

My most favorite thing about him is his heart. Every night when he says his prayers, he says the following things:
"I'm thankful for Daddy, Mommy, Madison, Jaxson, Carter and Hudson."
"I'm thankful for everybody in the whole wide world."
"In Jesus's name... Amen."

I hope he always loves God, and loves people. Happy birthday Noah. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest kids! If only that pesky neighbor would quit getting them in trouble! Haha!
