Thursday, December 12, 2013

Doo doo on your finger?

I can't wait until I'm done breastfeeding. I can't wait until everyone is potty trained. I can't wait until Jax doesn't use his paci anymore. I can't wait until the older ones can follow rules the first time.

I do this far too often than I care to admit. During the routine of my day, and the stresses that come along with having small children, I wish these times away. I sometimes get overwhelmed to the point where I'm literally wishing their childhood away. I certainly don't mean to do that, but it's exactly what I'm doing.

One of the most common things I'm told by older parents is, "It goes by so fast". I know that is true, it's already happening. It seems like only yesterday my life was this:

Here we are... Me (holy heifer), Michael, and our first born baby! It was the most captivating, magnificent, overwhelming, first year of parenthood ever. Eight months into her first year of life, I saw this:

Little baby Noah, cooking away. I remember being so excited to be having another baby. But, as I've come to learn, more babies brings more responsibility and more things to do. As my days filled up with those responsibilities, their earliest years simply evaporated.

I'll sometimes be holding one of the twins and try to remember Madison, Noah, or even Jax at their age, and the memories are sometimes few. I hate that. Thank goodness for photos and videos, so that I can remind myself of things like this:

I don't want to miss a thing, so why do I consistently wish away those mundane things? I mean, I realize that I'm human, and who really wants to change dirty diapers? However, with dirty diapers comes little tiny babies who rely on you for everything and look at you as if you are their entire world. With breastfeeding comes very intimate moments with sometimes smiley faces so appreciative of what you are doing. The challenging moments of babyhood reveals the sweetness of the bonds between parents and children.

One day they won't want to sleep in my bed, or hug me in public, or ask my opinion for everything. That day is far too close for comfort. To all those parents out there with doo doo on your finger or puke in your hair, I salute you and ask that you embrace the moment and enjoy those little babies... right after you clean yourself up!

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